All truth is not created equal. There is truth that is foundational, and truth that is on a need to know basis. Truth is to built on top of other truth. Line upon line.
Political cults are throughout our society today. It is when we forget the stated mission of our group and have a secret one in darkness. I explain how to realize them.
Is there still an Old Covenant, by which, Jewish people can operate? Or, has Jesus made an end of the Old, and brought about a new and better covenant?
Understanding the truth in humility will allow you to esteem others, while esteeming yourself. You are not to be a doormat, nor are you to exalt yourself.
Prophets today need to have a clear understand of their end time theology. What you believe will shape the way you hear God’s voice and determine the accuracy of your prophecies.
Truth is objective. We see truth in God’s word and doctrine. Right and wrong have boarders. Wisdom is different. Wisdom is how to navigate the world you live in effectively. Without Wisdom we can all be right as we crash into the rocks on the shore.
Every mountain in the earth requires a different type of Leader. This is why God chooses warriors and not pastors for the government.
The New Covenant was not made to gentiles, but to the Jews. This has a great impact on salvation for the nation of Israel. God love them and wants them to come to the truth of Jesus as their Messiah.
Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 116-Jesse Shamp Live
Live discussion with Jesse Shamp. Founder of Spirit Word Ministries
Can we have too many prophets? Let’s talk about the heart of God to have His voice in the earth.
We must learn to magnify our ministries, not our callings. I give some pointers how to do this.