Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 173: Your Victory is Found in Christ
After emerging from a life of sin, I recognized the need to cultivate a relationship with God. While I had been forgiven, I understood that I needed to learn how to walk in holiness and reverence for the Lord. However, I was...
Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 172: God’s Unconditional Love: A Personal Desire for Connection
Frequently, we assume that God’s love is unconditional and automatic. However, Scripture presents a more profound truth: God’s love is not passive but actively seeks to reveal Himself...
Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 170-Something has to change!
Over the past four years, we have experienced the loss of numerous esteemed leaders, both male and female, who possessed profound teachings and wisdom. However, it is evident that their personal lives lacked a certain level of...
Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 169-More Of Him
The Father desires for us to establish a personal relationship with Him, transcending mere knowledge of His existence. This relationship is cultivated through a diligent pursuit of Him, which He graciously grants, fostering deeper intimacy. He...
Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 168-Who are you now that you have been forgiven?
We have transcended the realm of forgiveness and embraced a new existence in Christ. Unfortunately, many individuals fail to recognize this transformation in their lives due to their lack of knowledge of the truth.
Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 167-We Will All Be Judged
We all will face the judgment seat of Christ. Some will be cast into eternal judgment, and others will enter the joy of the Lord.
Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 166-Created in GOD’s Image?
Many times I hear people say that all people are created in the image of God, but do the scriptures declare this? As we will watch a small portion of a discussion between Logan Paul and Cliff Knechtle. Let’s start there.
Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 164-Jesus was of the Order of Melchizedek Part 3
Jesus is the Apostle and High Priest of a better priesthood, covenant, kingdom. We are to follow in His path and offer ourselves as living sacrifices.
Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 163-Jesus was of the Order of Melchizedek Part 2
Jesus is the Apostle and High Priest of a better priesthood, covenant, kingdom.
Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 162-The Priestly Part 1
It is Jesus Himself who has called us to be a kingdom of Priest to Him. Not often discussed in Church, we begin this multi part series on understanding the priesthood.
Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 161-God’s Moral Law
If we were to change God’s Moral Law, we would be attempting to change God Himself. God’s Moral Law is a reflection of Himself. Those who attempt to change morality in the Church are attempting to change God Himself.
Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 160-Caution!
When we find ourselves in this trap, we need to caution ourselves to not pick up the spirit of the world. When it comes to politics, it is easy to return shots in their spirit.