Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 190
Apostle Louis begins a series on the Journey with Holiness. In this series, we delve into the glory of holiness and the transformative power of God’s grace that can forever change our lives.
Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 189
Many people believe that God’s immense love guarantees everyone’s salvation. However, they overlook the aspects of the Covenant and the elements of Salvation. Let’s delve into this significant topic.
Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 188
God has always loved us. It did not start at creation. It did not start at the Cross. It has no beginning or end because it is eternal.
Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 187
When we’re studying or receiving a revelation, it’s crucial to spend time with the Lord, allowing Him to fill us with the truth. We often settle for superficial revelations, but we truly desire profound insights that penetrate our souls.
Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 186
We are to so filled with the love of God that it transforms us.None of us have come close to being filled enough.

This is a testimony by Bob Jones of an encounter he had with Jesus.Â
Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 185
If we intend to walk in the authority of the Spirit, we must comprehend that our words hold significant weight. If we become ensnared in the prevailing conspiracy theories of the time, we risk losing credibility, which will inevitably diminish our effectiveness.
Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 184
The Holy Spirit’s influence is limited to the extent to which we permit Him to work in our lives. It is essential for us to cultivate the discipline of surrendering our lives to Him, even after the crucifixion.
Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 183
The prophetic word is a tool for us to fight a warfare to wards our destiny.
Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 182-The Cross Part 4
Our life we now live we live by the of the Son of God. Gal 2:20 Our life is in Christ and His resurrection.
Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 181-The Cross Part 3
The Cross stands as the cornerstone of our faith. To believe in Christ is to trust in the culmination of the cross’s transformative power. This concept holds immense significance, and we must endeavor to comprehend its profound impact upon our liv...
Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 180-The Cross Part 2
The Cross stands as the cornerstone of our faith. To believe in Christ is to trust in the culmination of the cross’s transformative power. This concept holds immense significance, and we must endeavor to comprehend its profound impact upon our liv...