Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 167-We Will All Be Judged
We all will face the judgment seat of Christ. Some will be cast into eternal judgment, and others will enter the joy of the Lord.
Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 166-Created in GOD’s Image?
Many times I hear people say that all people are created in the image of God, but do the scriptures declare this? As we will watch a small portion of a discussion between Logan Paul and Cliff Knechtle. Let’s start there.
Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 164-Jesus was of the Order of Melchizedek Part 3
Jesus is the Apostle and High Priest of a better priesthood, covenant, kingdom. We are to follow in His path and offer ourselves as living sacrifices.
Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 163-Jesus was of the Order of Melchizedek Part 2
Jesus is the Apostle and High Priest of a better priesthood, covenant, kingdom.
Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 162-The Priestly Part 1
It is Jesus Himself who has called us to be a kingdom of Priest to Him. Not often discussed in Church, we begin this multi part series on understanding the priesthood.
Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 161-God’s Moral Law
If we were to change God’s Moral Law, we would be attempting to change God Himself. God’s Moral Law is a reflection of Himself. Those who attempt to change morality in the Church are attempting to change God Himself.
Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 160-Caution!
When we find ourselves in this trap, we need to caution ourselves to not pick up the spirit of the world. When it comes to politics, it is easy to return shots in their spirit.
Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 159-How Judgment Comes Back To You
When we live in judgment of others, it comes back to us in the form of problems and conflicts. I tell a story about my spiritual father and an important lesson he taught me.
Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 158-The Benefits of Tongues
This is part two on the topic of the gift of tongues. Apostle Louis speaks on the benefits of praying in tongues.
Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 157-Are Tongues For Today?
In this video, one of two, Apostle Louis, discusses what happened in the Church in the first century and how the believers received tongues.
Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 156-Awareness of Truth
If you are not aware of truth in the kingdom, there is something that could help within you.
Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 155-Grace and Power
There are tings that you can pray that will bring about your transformation in Christ. The several weeks we will cover several of these.