Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 189
Many people believe that God’s immense love guarantees everyone’s salvation. However, they overlook the aspects of the Covenant and the elements of Salvation. Let’s delve into this significant topic.
Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 186
We are to so filled with the love of God that it transforms us.None of us have come close to being filled enough.
Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 184
The Holy Spirit’s influence is limited to the extent to which we permit Him to work in our lives. It is essential for us to cultivate the discipline of surrendering our lives to Him, even after the crucifixion.
Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 182-The Cross Part 4
Our life we now live we live by the of the Son of God. Gal 2:20 Our life is in Christ and His resurrection.
Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 181-The Cross Part 3
The Cross stands as the cornerstone of our faith. To believe in Christ is to trust in the culmination of the cross’s transformative power. This concept holds immense significance, and we must endeavor to comprehend its profound impact upon our liv...
Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 180-The Cross Part 2
The Cross stands as the cornerstone of our faith. To believe in Christ is to trust in the culmination of the cross’s transformative power. This concept holds immense significance, and we must endeavor to comprehend its profound impact upon our liv...
Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 179-The Cross Part 1
The Cross stands as the cornerstone of our faith. To believe in Christ is to trust in the culmination of the cross’s transformative power. This concept holds immense significance, and we must endeavor to comprehend its profound impact upon our liv...
Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 177-Purpose of Prayer Part 1
We are commanded to pray, but we are also invited to invite the Spirit to pray. For what purpose is this? We will discuss this in the next mini-series on prayer.
Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 175-We need to be prepared by the Lord
After we give our lives to Christ, we need to allow the Holy Spirit to saturate our souls. This is one of the purposes of the Holy Spirit. He has been sent to prepare us for the things of the Kingdom.
Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 174-Christ In Us Is Our Hope
Our hope is holy before God. Without hope, there is no foundation for our faith to take root. I elaborate on this concept, asserting that the hope of our transformation lies in the holiness of Christ as we journey with the Lord.
Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 169-More Of Him
The Father desires for us to establish a personal relationship with Him, transcending mere knowledge of His existence. This relationship is cultivated through a diligent pursuit of Him, which He graciously grants, fostering deeper intimacy. He value...
Weekly Kingdom Outlook Episode 168-Who are you now that you have been forgiven?
We have transcended the realm of forgiveness and embraced a new existence in Christ. Unfortunately, many individuals fail to recognize this transformation in their lives due to their lack of knowledge of the truth.