Our Inheritance-Part 2 Our Inheritance
Sep 02, 2021Part 2 - Inheritance
Over the past several weeks, as I have tracked this string of thoughts, I have been amazed at how much faith I was not using. My faith levels are on high power; miracles and healings, to prophetic words and impartations. It might not only be this as I have also been intense in my focus all year. But here is where I have maybe made a giant leap.
I believe in obedience. So I put a lot of effort into walking rightly before the Lord. I want to be holy as He is holy. I have zero desire to compromise my walk in any way. However, I now have faith in my inheritance from the fathers of the faith that have preceded me. Not just the ones I know, but their fathers and fathers and fathers. The revelation that this has been accumulating for centuries and now is ready to be poured out upon us. I always thought that I started the account with me and never grasped that this inheritance was for me.
My inheritance is not for when I die but when I come of age and take up the torch. I have known this in part but never used my faith. This inheritance is spiritual, financial, governmental, and Kingdom.
I have asked the Lord for provision in the past. However, only with the faith that I had added to it, not what my fathers had added. What shame I would have felt if I should have spent my whole life and died, not accessing what had been waiting for me.
This means that it is waiting for you as well. It is not for fivefold ministers but all of God’s saints. This is grace and favor. We sometimes don’t equate that portion to finances. We love the spiritual side. Then we look over at our natural bloodline and get hopeless. But Jesus told our fathers not to store their money and wealth where moths could eat it.
Luke 12:33 Sell what you possess and give donations to the poor; provide yourselves with purses and handbags that do not grow old, an unfailing and inexhaustible treasure in the heavens, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. (Amplified)
So my giving has increased, but faith has skyrocketed. I only desire to have your faith grow and explode as well. For centuries past, our fathers have been putting monies in this account. The interest and blessing of it have increased. Now, we sit at the edge of time, ready to fulfill our assignment.
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