Hello, I'm Louis DeSiena.
A few years after being saved, I felt a strong call on my life. Seeking the Lord in prayer led to revelation and then was confirmed by prophets. Since then, my heart has always been to minister to the Lord and train His people. For the past 20 plus years, I have been doing that.
My Story
Louis and Kathy DeSiena are the Senior Leaders of The Gate Church and in Jacksonville, Florida. In their many years of serving in the church, there was a stirring passion for truth. Louis has been preaching since 1990 and was ordained as a prophet in 2002 by Randi and Cathy Lechner. Their ministry is to see Christ’s church raised in present truth and power. With a passion for the Lord and revival beating in their hearts, they are determined to see their city, their nation, and their world changed forever.

The Latest from the Blog

Positioning Ourselves
Where do you go from here? Soon the election will be over, Covid will fade away, and Americans will be back to work. Have you dreamed of this day?

Does God Want Me To Prosper
I hope this finds you well. I pray for all of you often, and I hope that the King of Glory is flooding your life with His presence. I often hear people argue that prosperity is not part of the Doctrine of Christ.
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